Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So today was my 21st birthday..! I cant believe im 21 already I still feel so young lol. What I did today was go to lunch with my friend lindsey then a little shopping, for jaxton of course :). Then when travis got home today he brought me some flowers which is only like the 2nd or 3rd time he's ever bought me flowers in the 2 and a half yrs we've been together lol but I love him for it. I guess if he did it all the time it wouldnt be so special. Then we went to dinner at chilies with his whole family around 6:45. That was fun we all talked and had a good time and they got me some cool gifts. My mother in law got me a nice winter vest with a fur hood, his little sister gave me lotion from bath and body works, and his brother and his wife gave me a bunch of candy which my big butt doesnt need but that i'll eat in like a day lol. Travis's gift is yet to come once I can decide what I want but it will be between a playstation 3 (plays blue ray dvds..!), or an ipod touch, or whatever else I maybe find soon that I want but i'll let you know. After that his family and us all went to the mall where travis tried to talk me into buying some shirts but I just didnt like anything enough to buy. Im way picky though lately. The lady at kiddie kandids pulled us in to do a free picture so I did it with jax and his cousin dax. It turned out so cute they are both so adorable. After that it was already 9 so we came home to bed but all in all it was a way fun day. Thanks to everyone that made it special ;). We took some pictures at the restuarant that i'll post once I get them from my mother in law which might not be till sat so check for them then..!


gabrini said...

well Monique i'm glad you had a fun day and your birthday present is coming from me, it's a blated birtday gift but you will get, so again happy late 21st birtday and don't forget to let us know what your husband got u,and him getting the flowers that was awesome of him and nice, i love you, talk to you later...love from your big sis gabrini..xoxo

The Perry Family said...

Happy late 21st birthday!! I had no idea. Sounds like you had a fun day though, can't wait to see pictures!!!

The Mitchell Family said...

YA you will have to come down and we will all go play some BINGO. HAPPY 21st.

The Perry Family said...

you buy the tickets here in preston at the chamber of commerce , or whatever it is called. it's on main street right by u and i furniture, and i'm sure they aren't sold out, but all the ones around us were?? so its up to you guys..

The Perry Family said...

KK i think? i don't know they do it wierd, we are in like the second section on the right side, on the ground where the tickets cost 20 dollars.