Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fun at the park ;)

Today I took jaxton to the park so that we could get out the house for a little bit and play. We started with the swing and then a ride on this baby motorcycle side cart. Jaxton did not like it when I started pushing the swing he started crying but he loved it when he just got to sit in it and watch the other kids play. We were sadly only there about 15 minutes though because the misquitoes were eating me alive they were everywhere..! So then we came home and played safely inside for a bit. It was nice to just get out for a minute cuz we're cooped up all week inside since its still too hot to go out in the stroller during the middle of the day for very long.


The Perry Family said...

He is so cute. i love his little curly hair. i wish it would cool down during the day so i could take carter out too, we are stuck inside all day as well. too bad you dont live in p town so we could just get together and do lunch and stuff.

The Mitchell Family said...

your little guy is so cute his hair is so curly how fun he looks like he is having a great time. don't u get so bord in side everyday i totally do that's why i call liz like everyday and tell her to come over. you guys should move here then we would just have fun all the time

gabrini said...

He is adorable with that curly hair of his and it's good to get to get out one's a while i wish i had friends to hang out with, you need to move here so me and you can hang out and Jaxton can get to know me more, i miss having you around. Well just hang in there i will see you soon again ok.. Love you.