Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jaxton's First Tooth...!

Hello everyone...some exciting news...Jaxton has officially got his first tooth...! Its about time jk we are very excited to see his little buds sprout. So the story goes like this, my mom came to visit last week and jaxton was being a little fussy but not too bad he has always been really good at not being a very fussy baby. She said to me he was fussy because he was teething and I told her no its just cuz he's been a little sick lately. She insisted it was so I checked and sure enough you could feel the swollen gums. I've been feeling every day since and yesterday I felt his bottom left tooth poke out. He is being such a camper through it all you wouldnt even guess he was teething. Oddly enough he is also about to get the bottom right and both top front teeth...! He is now also wanting to chew on his food its so cute how he has picked up the motion of chewing with his one tooth. The picture I took is me holding his mouth open when he was sleeping because he wouldnt let me do it while awake but if you look carefully you'll see it on your right his left poking through.


gabrini said...

How cute!! that is i'm so exited that he is finally teething and getting so big and man he is 8 mo already wow! i am missimg i miss you guys give him kisses from me. Good job in the things you do monique, and that's cute that he wants to be love you and miss you..