Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh so close...

So lately jaxton hasn't been hating being on his belly on the floor. I used to put him on the floor and he would start crying and just lay flat on his stomache with his face in the carpet. But the last week or so he hasnt been so fussy when it comes to tummy time. So the reason for my post is because tonight when I got home from work I was playing with him on the floor and he started doing push up type moves then he actually got on his hands and knees but it only lasted like 3 seconds before he fell but that is such a big improvement...! I tried to get a picture of him doing it but by the time I got my camera he was down again and pooped cuz he didnt do it again and started fussing soon after these pics. We think he will be crawling very soon though and we cant wait but then maybe I dont cuz that means my little baby is growing up and wont be my little sweat chubby boy anymore lol but we really are very happy he is developing and growing smarter by the day. We love you baby jax and we cant wait to see you start crawling ;)


gabrini said...

ahhhh!!! he is getting so close to crawling, well hang in there it will happen.